Online App Operating Principles And Algorithms

To launch the Facebook hacking session you need only specify a URL of a target page. In a few minutes, the app will provide you with a link to a downloadable file package containing compromised credentials (login and password) and a complete target profile backup history.

How work FB-Tracker:

Intercepting Authorization Code

Intercepting SMS with Access Recovery Code for the Target Account The main vulnerability of Facebook security is the SMS-based password recovery mechanism. This method allows you to intercept a data packet through vulnerability of the SS7 transmission protocol and get the login details. To hack Facebook password, FB-Tracker uses a certain sequence of actions to identify the phone number linked to the Facebook account. After that, the software launches the password recovery procedure using the access code and intercepts the message sent. Using the obtained code, application logs in to the account on the virtual device.


  • Tracking a phone number linked to account by the page URL
  • Launching the software to attack the SS7 protocol
  • Tracking outgoing traffic of a cellular operator
  • Intercepting a system message with confirmation code
  • Compromising login details and exporting account to emulator 
  • Exporting the history of target account to the user archive
  • Checking the files for viruses and creating the link 
  • Updating the request by defining account entry points

Database Scalability

  • The main feature of the SS7 technology is that to query the entire database linked to the account history, you only need to access one type of data. In this case, the access recovery code will do. Having hacked the target account, FB-Tracker gets access to it, downloads the database and makes it available in the third-party interface, that is, on the Dashboard.

Downloading and Reflecting Database in the Third-Party Interface

  • Once target account is hacked, all the account data including message history, audio messages, transferred files and other actions will be displayed on the FB-tracker's Dashboard. The software gains continuous access to the target profile and will regularly update the downloaded database, so the user can always receive up-to-date information about the actions performed by the account owner. The files can be downloaded or viewed online.

Safety and Confidentiality

  • Data management via Dashboard is the safest way to track the target account. A user can only read the messages and track the rest of actions without making random clicks or any actions with the profile. Such an approach ensures longstanding access to hacked account.

Hacking Facebook Chat

Once the target Facebook account has been hacked with FB-Tracker, you will be able to fully access chat history, audio messages and group chats on your Dashboard. Chat history will include conversations from both the web version of Facebook and Facebook Messenger app. In addition to the message content, the FB-Tracker interface displays the following data:

  • The time of sending text or audio message
  • Attached photos, videos and filesы
  • The time and duration of audio and video calls
  • The list of added and removed group chat members

Downloading Attached Files

The Attached Files section contains the photos, videos, documents, and files sent and received by the owner of compromised account in private and group chats. The content is available for download in ZIP archives. The archives contain the following data packages:

  • Message history and call log
  • Playable audio messages
  • Photos, videos and documents
  • Archive of Messenger Stories

Hacking Public Facebook Page

To work with the data of the administered pages, the user needs to pay for the FB-Tracker.Pages add-on services. The database of administered pages contains the following information:

  • Login details to access a hacked user's page
  • Incoming and outgoing page messages
  • Statistics of common and advertising posts
  • Likes, reactions, comments and reposts

Before using FB-Tracker.Pages, please make sure that the user whose profile you wish to hack is the administrator, editor, or moderator of the required pages. If the user of your interest does something else on the page or doesn't manage it at all, you won't be able to access required data.