Accessing the Chats and Attached Files of the Target Facebook Account
In FB-Tracker, you can view chats and download archives from any type of device such as computer, tablet or phone. To view the chats of the hacked profile, you can use the web application interface or download them in a ZIP archive. Attached files can be downloaded individually or as a large archive that includes all the files sent and received during a certain single or group chat. When downloading an archive of group chat messages, you will notice that the file name will contain information about sender.
Remote Facebook Messages Hacking
FB-Tracker doesn't display information about the messages deleted before the account was hacked, but it stores information about the messages deleted after that. Apart from the saved message content, you will also get access to the information about when exactly it was deleted.
FB-Tracker is a tool designed for remote hacking of Facebook accounts. The software requests and intercepts the password recovery code for the target account, exploiting the vulnerability of Facebook security system. To read Facebook messages, the user doesn't need to install any software or perform any other actions.
To view the chat history of someone else's account, you don't need to log into the hacked account. After the account has been hacked, all the content of the chats is displayed in a third-party interface, that is, the Dashboard of FB-Tracker. Using the Dashboard, the user can read someone else's Facebook chat history, download the message history, and access attached files.
The FB-Tracker application allows you to anonymously read someone else's conversations. Authorization to a hacked account takes place on a virtual device, that is, Facebook does not receive any user data.